Sunday, February 22, 2015

What makes a real man?

I've just cracked the book and started reading. The first real good discussion topic that jumped out at me from the intro was -- what makes a real man? What do you see in your husband that makes him a good man? What is it that we women need from our men?


  1. What makes Adam a good ethic, intelligence, humor, compassion, understanding, aspiration, respect, gentleman (when he wants to be lol), loyalty, moral...

    Definitely all things I want Danny to learn from him :-)

  2. Sorry I'm late to the party. I've enjoyed the book and so has dad. What makes a real man? Knowing that he can face whatever challenges that come his way and if he gets knocked down he'll get up and continue to hit the challenge head on. A man learns how to do that from other men. His father, his older brother, his pastor, teacher, a man of character. The biggest job is to teach your son to have a desire to be around those kind of men. His father is the gateway. They make a very important point about heros and TV. Homer Simpson doesn't cut it. Gandhi does.


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